Sunday, December 27, 2009

The most intriguing people Iv met this year.

The most intriguing people Iv met this year.

Every time I pass you by….
I see a side of you, I never did before………..

There are people you meet, hundreds of them everyday. Faces catch your attention. But there are others who don’t just let you see their faces, but their souls…And that doesn’t happen instantly. It happens like this. You take one look at them, nothing extraordinary, either plain,boring,or,repulsively shocking or just downright uninteresting, but hold on, what is it that keeps you hookhed?just cosmic energies that know all about the layers hidden underneath all that, that’s about to sweep you off your feet. Iv met a few of them this year. There are others who Iv met in the past, two of them have turned my best friends, but this year rocks. These are just ordinary people, two legged, two eyed. But strangely enough there is something bout them that got me thinking how insanely creative God can get.Intriging is the word, Its fascinating how people can be a strong capsule of explosive art…. Walking, talking, thinking, feeling art! Art with layers and layers of mystique.

“I can’t explain myself.Im afraid
Because I am not myself you see”

Vasu…Hmmmm..First day of college, we happened to sit next to each other, it was like fate flung us together. As usual I opened my tornado mouth and talked away; quite unaware of the poor girl shifting uneasily in her seat wondering what she was sitting next to.Whoa!! That is one quite, shy, reserved girl I thought.Oh man!! She hates me,looks like we never gonna hit it off. But something cliked, must have been a dash of cosmic energy. We just stuck. It’s like we connect on a whole new level… what do I call that level… spiritual? Aesthetic? Affectionate? Donno…just about everything.Endless sms ing,notebooks of written conversations between class hours, and chattering away to glory…and one of these days just silence would be enough to keep us together. We can talk and watch the world go by in a whizz. But I feel things have just begun between us, friendships are long, hard constructions, built with a labor of love.

Let the universe burn……….”
Madhava, short and sweet, innocence and naivety written all over the face, and here s the important clause, one of God s most deceptively created creatures. I was in for a pleasant shock, and it dint seem to stop there but seemed to continue with everyday. For one thing it’s a small town boy, from Chippali, who takes I MA Eng class by storm. The teachers can’t seem to get enough of him, the seniors love him, and all of us are awe struck at the little genius of course. But he aint no divine angel!! Clarity on that one people! Phrases loaded with underhanded sarcasm, witty remarks of outstanding comedy, conversations decorated with the figures of speech, politically correct statements, now and then a dash of the postmodernistic insanity and here and there honest bursts of straightforward indignation. That’s Madhava… a perfect PARADOX. Never met one that did full justice to the word. I am full of respect for his multiple skills of photography, poetry, music, language and a list of others. A quick turn around to the back bench where I sit, a word or two exchanged, and there goes Madhava through my life, like a sliver.

I lost my heart when I wore it on my sleeve”

Cherian Alexander..Tall, handsome, charming and ridiculously adorable. No m not talking bout some Hollywood dandy. It’s my Films Study professor.Ok ok I am into older men, but not that old hahaha.Sadly haven’t yet got to know him outside class personally, but that’s one of my new year top priority resolutions. But he s one of those people that you cant forget for all the right reasons. Some of those classes he took were more than that, they were profound sermons. I devour every word he speaks in class, totally.He s one of those rarest of human beings whose passionate soul resonates on his face. Between all that profundity, deep philosophy and romantic enthrallment are peculiar laughs, hilarious jokes and out of the world adorable facial expressions. This aint enough…bout him. He deserves a book to be written on him.

“Its love that makes the world go around”
I see…………………”

Sid….One of those fateful days, it was. I had my tests happening. And I happened to be terrible at time management, and there I was without my watch. Seated at the exam desk, I looked around panic-stricken wondering what to do, when this tall cheerful faced dude walks upto the desk and plops next to me when an idea occurred. I could ask him to place his watch in the middle. I thought. Peering at him sideways wondering if he would be sweet enough to help out, I did ask. I had asked for too much ,hehehehe.
Spent months smiling and nodding at each other in the hallways when we met by chance, without knowing each others names. One of those days we gotta talking and man was I astonished. I d never met such a talker, course Bojo is one, but not at the first go.
Only a week passed by and I had all my adjectives lined against him. Which are(Censored)…Cause they re not too flattering. Things dint get better after we met formally and started talking, in fact got even worse. I think there was this time we almost came to blows (wink).But the cosmic energies were at work again. While I was muttering away as to how typically scorpioish all the scorpions are, then something happened. Till now I would nt know what. Silver linings tumbled around that incredibly dark cloud, pockets of utopia were painted about the acopylypse, and fish could fly afterall.Go figure me out !!!
That’s what friendships are all about, you never know till you really know. And for all you Saggi gals who think Scorpio men are scum, and who happen to be interested in Sid, don conclude till you read his blog,hhahahahaha…