Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Your twilight and mine
Twilight is a beautiful word.we all knows it’s that incredibly short part of the day that happens before sun set and surise.The dictionary chooses to describe it as “partial darkness” or “partial light”. I guess I will go with “partial light”. It doesn’t kill to be on the brighter side of things. And that’s why it’s a beautiful word because it can go both ways. Your twilight is different from mine, in terms of how long it lasts. But then maybe our twilights are not as short and fleeting as they are supposed to be. Saki s twilight has lasted long, maybe longer than it should. Neither darkness nor light, neither knowledge nor ignorance, neither pain nor pleasure. Not the twilight of indifference, but of a passionate journey, a journey to know…to live. Twilights don’t last for ever, neither should they. It’s too dangerous to live in the twilight all your life. A place where vacuums don’t cease to multiply, but go on gnawing from the inside.
It’s a twilight that evolves into perpetual light. A twilight that intrigues, evoking a maddening urge to fill up, to feel complete. Where incredible pain drives you to seek bliss, where sickening confusion leads to clarity and cruel desperation is satisfied. That’s the journey of the twilight. Where darkness and light meet to contend for your soul. And in that meeting place, you stand alone to make the ultimate choice. This is your twilight, as well as mine.

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